Easy way to make Indian chicken egg roll.
It is made with egg paratha and filled with cooked chicken and vegetable salads.
This chicken egg rolls recipe always makes everyone happy and they're perfect for sharing.
Bahan Membuat Egg Chicken Roll
- Bahan-bahan:.
- 220 gr daging ayam (giling/blender).
- 30 gr udang giling (resep asli tdk pakai).
- 1 butir telur.
- 100 gr tepung tapioka.
- 1 sdt kaldu bubuk.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 1 sdt gula.
- 2 siung bawang putih.
- 1/2 sdt saus tiram.
- Bahan Kulit:.
- 3 butir telur kocok lepas.
- Sejumput garam.
- Daun pisang untuk membungkus.
- Bahan Salad Sayur:.
- Secukupnya kol iris tipis.
- Secukupnya wortel iris korek api tipis.
- Secukupnya mayonais dan saus cabai.
Langkah Memasak Egg Chicken Roll
- Campurkan semua bahan aduk hingga rata..
- Kocok lepas dan beri sedikit garam. Panaskan teflon lalu tuang 1 sendok sayur adonan telur, masak hingga matang dan pinggiran telur agak kering.
- Ambil daun pisang (me. Gak dpt daun jadi pake plastik), lalu letakkan adonan telur, lalu ambil adonan daging ratakan dipermukaan telur. Lalu gulung dan sematkan ujung-ujungnya dg lidi. Kukus selama 20 menit atau hingga matang..
- Buka bungkusan daun/plastik, potong agak menyerong dan goreng hingga coklat keemasan..
- Egg Chicken Roll siap dihidangkan, beserta salad sayur segar. Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
Chicken Egg Rolls bursting with tender chicken and vegetable filling enveloped in tantalizing sweet Just when you thought Chicken Egg Rolls couldn't get any better - enter Sweet and Sour Chicken. This recipe for chicken egg rolls makes the thicker egg roll that is popular in western restaurants. Need advice on how to keep egg rolls from coming out too dry or too soggy? Egg rolls are a variety of deep-fried appetizers served in American Chinese restaurants. An egg roll is a cylindrical, savory roll with shredded cabbage, chopped pork, and other fillings inside a thickly-wrapped wheat flour skin, which is fried in hot oil.
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