The flavor of a good loaf, the cracking sound of biting into a freshly baked baguette, and the texture of the soft crumb is.
Japanese milk bread uses tangzhong, a cooked paste of flour and water to increase the moisture content in this loaf, yielding one that rises taller and stays fresher longer.
Japanese milk bread is probably the lightest, fluffiest, most tender bread you'll come across.
Bahan Membuat Japanese Milk Bread
- Bahan A.
- 520 gr tep protein tinggi.
- 110 gr gula pasir blender.
- 27 gr susu bubuk.
- 9 gr saf instan aktif.
- 2 kuning telur.
- 200 cc air mineral.
- 4 gr bread improfer.
- Bahan B.
- 75 gr margarin.
- 5 gr garam.
Langkah Memasak Japanese Milk Bread
- Uleni bahan A.. Sampai setengah kalis..
- Tambahkan bahan B. Uleninlagi sampai kalis..
- Bagi adonan dengan ditimbang saya masing masing 36 gr.Bulatkan, tutupi plastik. Istirahat kan sebentar..
- Isi sesuai selera. Letakan diloyang 28*28.diberi jarak loyang sebelumnya dioles margarin ya..
- Tutup dengan serbet..
- Istirahatkan lagi sampai mengembang. Sesaat sebelum dipanggang, ditaburi tepung terigu menggunakan ayakan..
- Oven sampai matang..
- Isi dengan isian sesuai selera.
The secret to this fluffy milk bread is it's use of a starter (water roux). Soft as clouds, white as snow, Japanese milk bread is the tender everyday loaf we want to bake right now. The precision required is an excellent excuse to buy a scale. Japanese milk bread is a fluffy and delicious treat. The tangzhong method of making a roux makes the interior extra soft and resistant to staling.
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