Ngohiong or "Ngoyong" is a local lumpia delicacy in Cebu.
Everybody just love these lumpia and is almost sold anywhere in the busy streets of Cebu with matching Puso.
Ngohiong, also known spelled as ngoyong, is a Filipino appetizer consisting of julienned or cubed vegetables with For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Ngohiong. Себу - We will try ngohiong, in which they are most known for, and also there are other interesting food to taste in their humble restaurant. - Sajikan Ngohiong roll sebagai snack dng saus sambal atau dapat disajikan sebagai pelengkap - Mix all ngohiong ingredients (except the oil); knead until it combines well.
Bahan Membuat Ngohiong
- 300 gr daging babi atau ayam giling.
- 200 gr udang kupas kulit, cincang.
- 1 butir telur.
- 1 buah wortel cincang kasar.
- 3 sdm maizena.
- 2 sdm saos tirem.
- 2 sdm minyak wijen.
- 2 sdm gula pasir.
- Daun bawang.
- 6 butir bawang putih, haluskan.
- Lada.
- Garam sedikit, kulit tahu sudah asin.
- selembar Kulit tahu.
Langkah Memasak Ngohiong
- Campur semua bahan aduk rata..
- Kulit tahu potong2 menjadi 9 buah.
- Isikan campuran daging, bungkus dengan kulit tahu, sampai semua bahan habis..
- Siapkan dandang, masukkan ngohiong, kukus sampai matang.
- Setelah dingin, potong2 dan digoreng sampai kuning kecoklatan.Apabila tidak langsung dimakan dapat disimpan dalam frezer..
Lihat juga resep Roti Goreng Eggless Isi Ayam Ngohiong enak lainnya! From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ngohiong is a deep-fried battered rice-paper roll filled with jicama, ubod, minced pork, minced shrimps, garlic and onions seasoned with five spice powder. Upload a photo. the most famous chinese ngohiong in cebu.
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