A No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust!
Cream cheese: I suggest letting the cream cheese soften to room temperature before mixing up the cheesecake filling so that it comes out much smoother.
I just made the cake for my son's birthday today.
Bahan Membuat Oreo Cheese cake no ribet
- 2 bks oreo yang sachet yg harga 2ribuan 😁.
- 1 bks susu dancow.
- keju parut.
- 1 sendok makan gula pasir ,aq gk suka manis.
- 2 sendok makan tepung maizena.
- 1/2 gelas air (airnya gk banyak agar adonan kental).
Langkah Memasak Oreo Cheese cake no ribet
- Pisahkan krim oreonya,hancurkan biskuitnya bisa pake sendok ato blender,karena hanya sedikit sy hanya pake sendok.
- Campur maizena, susu bubuk,keju parut,krim oreo,air dan gula.aduk2 hingga tercampur rata masak hingga mendidih/meletup2,lalu dinginkan..
- Susun oreo yang sudah dihancurkan tadi digelas,timpa lagi dengan cheesenya,setelah itu masukkan lagi bubuk oreo,dan begitu seterusnya sampai adonan habis.hiasi atasnya dengan sisa parutan keju..
- Jika sudah selesai,dinginkan di kulkas,selamat menikmati 😁😊.
These Oreo Cheesecake Bites are creamy and smooth mini cheesecakes with Oreo crust at the bottom. I've included some easy tips for you to make the best bite-size Oreo cheesecake cupcakes. A perfect dessert at any party! Hope you like this Oreo Cheesecake recipe, it's a real show stopper to impress a crowd with. Flatten bag to remove excess air, then seal bag.
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