Macho → machote - Sufijos aumentativos.
While the diminutives tend to be used to show affection, lesser intensity or smaller size, the augmentative suffixes are used to express greater size, intensity.
OTE means On Target Earnings: if you meet your targets, you will get this much money.
Bahan Membuat Ote - ote tauge
- 200 gram Tauge.
- 1 bungkus Tepung bakwan sasa.
Langkah Memasak Ote - ote tauge
- Cuci tauge nya terlebih dahulu.
- Masukan tepung bakwan sasa sedikit demi sedikit sampai tercampur rata.
- Goreng hingga agak kecoklat-coklatan dan garing.
- Jadi dehh ini lebih sehat bikinan sendiri daripada beli.
- Selamat mencoba.
It normally takes two hours for your headset to charge from no life. Once it has completed charging, unplug it. A., OTE Group is the largest technology company in Greece. It is one of the three largest companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange, according to market capitalization. The Open Translation Engine (OTE) is a collaborative translation dictionary manager.
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