No rum required for this mojito!
The sparkling lemonade and fresh lime juice team up to help flavour this refreshing mocktail.
The Lime Rickey is a non-alcoholic descendant of the "rickey" which dates back all the way to the It's worth noting not everyone's a purist when it comes to this mocktail, of course, and there are lots of.
Bahan Membuat Lime squash mocktail
- 1 picis Jeruk nipis.
- 1 picis Lemon.
- 45 ml Sprite.
- Mini ball secukupnya/sesuai selera.
- secukupnya Biji selasih.
- secukupnya Daun mint (untuk garnish dan aroma).
- sesuai selera Simple syrup/air gula.
- secukupnya Ice cube.
- 1 picis Strawberry.
Langkah Memasak Lime squash mocktail
- Pertama masukkan ice cube kedalam tempat saji/martini glass..
- Kemudian masukkan mini ball & biji selasih kedalam martini glass..
- Setelah itu tuang sprite dan simple syrup kedalam shaker, lalu kocok-kocok/shaker hingga tercampur rata, tuang kedalam martini glass..
- Kemudian buat garnish dari strawberry sesuai selera, bisa berbentuk bunga..
- Kemudian taruh daun mint didalam gelas, buat garnish dari kulit lemon. Sajikan..
It has deeeelish grapefruit soda and lots of lime though. I won't hate it if you add vodka, let's be real. This drink marries spicy, healing fresh A mocktail is a non-alcoholic drink that consists of a mixture of fruit juices and sparkling water. Mocktails, also known as nonalcoholic drink recipes, are cheerful ways to celebrate anniversaries or occasions without alcohol. While social occasions are a pretty dull and little tough with the experience.
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