Lime squash Homemade ginger-lime squash is a healthy summer cooler made with lemon and ginger and best of all no preservatives or added additives. The light punch of ginger gives it a cooling flavor. Healthy cilantro lime squash fries that are easy to make and are super-delicious!

Bahan Membuat Lime squash

  1. Bahan :.
  2. 1,5 ltr sprite.
  3. 150 ml air gula (100 ml air + 100 gr gula pasir).
  4. 1 sdm biji selasih rendam dlm air hangat, sisihkan.
  5. 2 buah lime, peras ambil air nya.
  6. 1/2 buah lemon, iris tipis.
  7. Sckp nya es batu.
  8. 150 ml air matang.

Langkah Memasak Lime squash

  1. Air gula : masak air hingga mendidih matikan api lalu masuk kan gula, aduk hingga larut, sisihkan tunggu hingga dingin..
  2. Masuk kan semua bahan dlm wadah, kecuali es batu lalu aduk rata..
  3. Masuk kan es batu dlm gelas saji tuang lime squash hiasi dengan daun mint n irisan lemon. Siap dinikmati saat udara panas..

As a result, they're usually treated. Looking for a great butternut squash soup recipe? Then you must try our Thai-inspired Butternut Squash, Coconut and Lime Soup. The yogurt and lime add an unexpected tang to the silky soup. Create your own creamy vegetable Add the butternut squash, vegetable broth, and cider, stir well, and bring to a simmer over medium.

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