I always make lemon squash but i tried with ginger and it tasted very good.
Lemon Ginger Squash is a very tasty drink.
Learn how to make/prepare Lemon Ginger Squash Recipe by following this easy recipe. lemon squash recipe with step by step photos. an easy diy homemade lemon squash without any Lemon squash makes for a cooling summer drink.
Bahan Membuat Ginger lemon squash
- 4 cm jahe (kupas, cuci, memarkan).
- 2 sdm gula.
- 300 ml air.
- 2 sdm air jeruk lemon.
- 150 ml soda (sprite).
- biji selasih secukupnya.
- secukupnya es batu.
Langkah Memasak Ginger lemon squash
- Rebus jahe bersama gula hingga gula larut, angkat dinginkan..
- Masukkan, es batu ke dalam gelas saji. Beri 2 sendok sayur sirup jahe, tambahkan soda..
- Beri air jeruk lemon, tambahkan biji selasih diatasnya..
- Nah, gingger lemon squash siap mnemani berbuka anda. 😍😗 segarnyaaa....
Its nourishing and absolutely delicious cool squash having the twist of ginger and lemon in every sip. Lemon Chicken & Spaghetti Squash. featured in The Best Fall Squash Recipes. Cut the squash in half along the holes. Remove the seeds and pulp with a spoon. The perfect way to start the day to detoxify and refresh the body.
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