Sus hotdog Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. See the customers' meal requests above their head, and prepare the hot dogs as requested. Do you have what it takes to run the best hotdog stand in town?

Bahan Membuat Sus hotdog

  1. Bahan kulit sus:.
  2. 100 gr margarin.
  3. 250 cc air.
  4. 1/2 sdt Garam.
  5. 140 gr Terigu.
  6. 4 butir Telur.
  7. Bahan isian:.
  8. Sosis potong kecil memanjang,bakar sebentar di teflon.
  9. Telur rebus,potong kecil kecil.
  10. Selada potong2.
  11. Mayonise.

Langkah Memasak Sus hotdog

  1. Buat kulit sus:rebus air sampai mendidih, tambahkan margarin,garam.aduk sampai matang dan kalis.
  2. Setelah adonan agak dingin,masukkan telur,aduk sampai rata.
  3. Masukkan dlm kantong penyemprot,lubangi ujung kantong sebesar 1 cm,sempritksn adonan memanjang ukuran 4 cm diatas loyang yg telah diolesi margarin.
  4. Panggang dlm oven dg suhu 200 derajat Celcius selama 15 menit.dinginkan.
  5. Gunting sus memanjang jgn sampai putus,isi dg selada,sosis,telur,kasih mayonise.kalau suka pedas tambahkan saos sambal.

Free for commercial use No attribution required Copyright-free. This is a character I made back in sophomore year with a hotdog toy, two pencils and tape. The result produced mass hysteria at the absurd abomination of the world's most popular deity protrayed as a. I sure hope that my Hot Dog isn't to small for Renne. Yes it's little and looks like a hotdog. if you can tell what meat makes up a hotdog please post it here.

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