Enjoy the taste of the Japanese kitchen through a variety.
The idea for the Shabu Shabu restaurant started five years ago by a young entrepreneur who was inspi.
Shabu-Shabu with Otter Water Ale brothRado Cooiking.
Bahan Membuat Shabu shabu super mudah dan simple
- 1 bungkus shabu2 set cedea.
- 1 buah wortel.
- 1 buah sawi putih.
- 500 ml kaldu ayam.
- Secukupnya garam gula lada.
Langkah Memasak Shabu shabu super mudah dan simple
- Masukkan wortel dan sawi putih ke dalam kaldu ayam, rebus hingga hampir matang..
- Lalu masukkan shabu2 set dan masak kurleb 7 menit..
- Tambahkan gula garam dan lada. Cek rasa. Angkat dan sajikan..
It is cooked at the dinner table using a portable gas stove and we eat it as we cook. There are a lot of Shabu Shabu speciality restaurants in Japan, but you can prepare it at home too. The Japanese word shabu means "swish." Individual diners cook raw meat slices and vegetables by swishing them around in hot flavoured broth with chopsticks. The cooked meat and vegetables are then dipped a sauce called Ponzu. The broth becomes increasingly flavourful as the meat and veggies are.
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