See also: hotdog, Hotdog, hot-dog, and Hot Dog.
Spanish: (please verify) dogo (es) m (Northwestern Mexico), (please verify) frankfurter m (Uruguay), (please verify) hot dog m (Bolivia.
Hot Dog day and Hot Dog month history, wallpapers, greetings, greeting cards, and recipes.
Bahan Membuat Hotdog
- 2 buah roti panjang.
- 2 buah sosis.
- 1 butir telur.
- Saos tomat.
- Mayones.
- Daun selada,tomat,mentimun.
- Margarin.
Langkah Memasak Hotdog
- Belah 2 roti jgn putus,oleskan margarin,panggang d teflon..
- Goreng/ panggang sosis.ceplok telor belah 2..
- Penyajian: ambil roti, letakkan daun selada,tomat timun,sosis,telor.mayones,saos tomat..
Hot-dog (uz); 热狗 (wuu); Hotdog (de); Sosisli sandviç (tr); Bocadillo de salchicha (gl); ਹੌਟ ਡੌਗ (pa); Χοτ ντογκ (el); حۆت دۆگ (ku-arab) Comida rápida de origen Alemán (es); מאכל רחוב (he). I sure hope that my Hot Dog isn't to small for Renne. Have you seen Jimmy's penis? hot dog. a piece of meat that is cooked and is always enjoyed at baseball games. A hotdog is a "frankfurter," a hunk of meat in a bun. Get one at the hotdog stand at a baseball game and slather it The name "frankfurter" illustrates the hotdog's German heritage — the original came.
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