Kulit Pastry / Puff Pastry Buying frozen or store-bought is a cinch and works just as well! Subbing puff pastry for pie crust minimizes the work, so you can have chicken pot pie WAY more often. As a member, you'll be able to store your favorite Pepperidge Farm® Puff Pastry recipes in your personal Recipe Box.

Bahan Membuat Kulit Pastry / Puff Pastry

  1. 🍞Bahan Kering:.
  2. 500 gr Tepung Cakra.
  3. 50 gr mentega (saya pakai blueband).
  4. 250 ml air dingin.
  5. 1 sdt garam.
  6. 1 sdm gula.
  7. 🍞Bahan Isi:.
  8. 250 gr Korsvet / butter pastry.

Langkah Memasak Kulit Pastry / Puff Pastry

  1. Masukkan korsvet ke dlm plastik, pipihkan dgn gilingan. Sisihkan..
  2. Campurkan bahan kering ke dlm wadah, lalu sedikit demi sedikit masukkan air sambil di uleni hingga setengah kalis..
  3. Kemudian adonan di taruh di alas yg sudah diberi tepung, atas adonan jg diberi tepung supaya tdk lengket saat di gilas. Gilas adonan sampai pipih, buat adonan menjadi lebar melebihi korsvet..
  4. Taruh korsvet di atas adonan, kemudian Lipat adonan bagian atas dan bawah menutupi korsvet..
  5. Oleskan tepung sebelum digilas. Gilas adonan dgn penggilas dr atas dgn ditekan perlahan sampai semua adonan rata..
  6. Setelah pipih berbentuk persegi panjang, lipat double seperti gambar. Lalu pipihkan kembali seperti sebelumnya. Lakukan lipat double 2x..
  7. Kemudian Lipat single seperti gambar sebanyak 2x. Jangan lupa selalu mengoleskan tepung dan meratakan ujung2 nya dgn rolling spin supaya hasil akhir bagus..
  8. Setelah 2x lipat single puff siap di gunakan tergantung mau tipis atau tebal. Kalau saya mau yg tipis. Potong menggunakan.

Master this skill and you'll be sure to impress. Turn the pastry a half-turn and carefully roll out again into the same size rectangle as the one you started with. Fold the top and bottom of the rectangle into the. Puff pastry, also known as pâte feuilletée, is a flaky light pastry made from a laminated dough composed of dough (détrempe) and butter or other solid fat (beurrage). The butter is put inside the dough (or vice versa), making a paton which is repeatedly folded and rolled out before baking.

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