Croissant Kulit Pastry Homemade Homemade Croissants - I've overcome my fears and done the unthinkable. Join me on my journey to making the perfect buttery and flaky croissants. A Croissant de Boulanger is a baker's croissant, made from puff pastry dough that includes yeast.

Bahan Membuat Croissant Kulit Pastry Homemade

  1. Kulit pastry homemade.
  2. Meisis.
  3. Pisang yang sudah dipanggang teflon.
  4. Keju parut untuk topping.
  5. Kuning telur.

Langkah Memasak Croissant Kulit Pastry Homemade

  1. Ambil kulit pastry homemade. Gilas dan pipihkan bentuk persegi panjang. Jangan terlalu tipis gilasnya. Kemudian potong/iris diagonal..
  2. Ambil kulit yang sudah diiris. Belah bagian ujung yang lebar sekitar 2-3cm. Letakkan pisang yang sudah dipanggang diteflon dengan margarin. Tambahkan meisis. Gulung sedemikian rupa. Tekan sedikit ujubg kulit. Letakkan ujung kulit croissant di bawah agar saat di panggang kulit tidak mekar dan terbuka..
  3. Tata di atas loyang, olesi dengan kuning telur. Taburi keju parut. Panggang sesuai oven masing-masign. Saya pakai otang dengan api sedang selama 30 menit. Kalau pakai oven listrik pakai suhu 200°C..

Definitely fluffy and the outside was perfectly crunchy. I love croissants and I suggest you give it a try. The dough recipe is amazing to work with and even though it was the first time for me trying laminated dough, it worked out great! Croissants are crescent-shaped French pastries which may be made from leavened or unleavened puff pastry dough. Both flaky and tender, they're characterized not only by their shape but also by rich butter flavor and numerous layers created by repeatedly rolling and folding the dough prior to shaping.

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