Homemade yogurt is a snap to make.
The first time I made yogurt, I thought it was a total pain-in-the-rear and I was SO never doing it If you've already got jars of homemade yogurt in the fridge, though, you can use a cup of that as your.
Learn how to make yogurt without all the hassle.
Bahan Membuat Homemade yoghurt
- 100 ml yoghurt plain.
- 1 liter susu uht.
- Wadah untuk tempat pembuatan / penyimpanan yoghurt.
Langkah Memasak Homemade yoghurt
- Siapkan panci panaskan susu dengan api kecil tunggu hingga panas atau berbuih buih kecil di pinggir panci. Matikan api dinginkan susu..
- Siapkan wadah. Cuci bersih wadah lalu sterilkan.. saya di rebus sebentar angkat lalu lap dengan tisu bersih..
- Susu sudah dingin masukan yoghurt biang kedalamnya. Aduk rata dengan sendok kayu (saya selalu gunakan non steel yah) lalu pindahkan kedalam wadah. Tutup wadah dengan rapat lalu bungkus dengan kain yang bikin hangat (saya dengan handuk) lalu simpan dalam lemari (saya lemari simpanan piring dan gelas yg jrg dibuka) selama 9 jam. Saya ingin agak kental saya simpan lebih lama sekitar 12-15 jam sesuai selera yaa.
Making your own yogurt is one of the best ways you can optimize your gut flora, so try this homemade recipe and feel the results How to Make Fresh Homemade Yogurt. How to Make Homemade Coconut Milk Yogurt ~ since it's one of the world's healthiest foods, I think it's worth the effort to make it yourself. This yogurt is creamy, full of flavor, and. How to Make Yogurt (Easy Homemade Recipe). Whether you're making regular or Greek yogurt, it's incredibly easy This homemade yogurt recipe is SO good and SO easy, you'll NEVER need to buy store-bought again!
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