In a frying pan, cook chicken and onion together in oil over medium-high heat until chicken is just done.
Remove from heat; stir in sour cream and green chilies.
The sour cream enchiladas were stuffed with shredded chicken that had been spiced with generous amounts of salt and black pepper, a simple blend that still had flavor.
Bahan Membuat Chicken sour cream
- 1 dada ayam (di fillet).
- 5 sdm tepung serbaguna.
- 1 buah telur.
- Minyak untuk menggoreng.
- Bahan saos:.
- 2 sdm yogurt.
- 5 sdm susu full cream.
- 2 sdm air.
- 1 sdt tepung mezeina.
- Seujung sdt lada bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 1/2 sdt bawang putih bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Chicken sour cream
- Potong dadu ayam,simpan di wadah,tambahkan tepung serbaguna 2 sdm,telur,aduk rata,diamkan kurleb 10 menit,lalu siapkan tepung serbaguna yg kering,lalu guling kan ayam sampai terbungkus merata,lakukan sampai habis (tdk perlu menambahkan bumbu apa pun krn tepung nya Sudah berbumbu).
- Panas kan minyak, goreng ayam sampai kuning keemasan,sampai habis,sisihkan.
- Campur semua bahan saos,aduk2 terlebih dahulu,masak dlm api kecil sambil di aduk,setelah mendidih dan mengental angkat.
- Siapkan ayam di piring saji,lalu siram kan saos di atas nya,(sy menambahkan nori kering/bisa di skip) dan siap untuk di sajikan.
This mixture also works well on slow cooker chicken. These rich and cheesy sour cream chicken enchiladas, which start with a rotisserie chicken to cut They're filled with tender pulled chicken, rich sour cream, smoky cumin, green chiles, and gooey. Sour Cream Chicken is a super simple weeknight meal. Seasoned sour cream is spread over boneless skinless chicken, and then topped with buttery crunchy crushed Ritz crackers. Spinach Chicken Casserole with Cream Cheese and Mozzarella - A delicious Chicken Casserole recipe.
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