Yields flavorful, moist, tender, chicken and nicely browned skin.
Also includes recipe for a rich and creamy chicken gravy that pairs perfectly with homemade mashed potatoes.
Tom Kerridge's special slow-cooked roast chicken is guaranteed to please.
Bahan Membuat Roasted chicken with gravy
- 2 paha ayam ato ayam fillet (bebas).
- 1 sdm bumbu cajun.
- 1/2 sdm minyak wijen.
- 1/2 sdm minyak goreng.
- 1 buah wortel, iris memanjang.
- secukupnya Brokoli.
- 1 buah kentang, potong2.
- 1/4 bawang bombay, iris besar.
- secukupnya Lada bubuk.
- Bahan gravy :.
- 1 sdm butter/margarin jg boleh.
- 1 sdm cream cheese.
- 50 ml air kaldu.
- secukupnya Garam.
Langkah Memasak Roasted chicken with gravy
- Campur bumbu cajun dengan minyak wijen dan minyak goreng, aduk rata. Balurkan merata pd permukaan ayam. Diamkan minimal 1 jam di kulkas..
- Rebus wortel dan brokoli, sisihkan. Potong2 kentang, rendam dalam air garam..
- Siapkan oven. Panaskan 200°C selama 10 menit. Tata ayam, kentang dan bombay di loyang/pirex. Sebaiknya tutupi dengan alumunium foil ya. Panggang selama 60 menit. 50 menit ditutup alumunium foil, kemudian buka alumunium foilnya, dan panggang lagi 10 menit. Saya ga tutup pake alumunium foil, kentangnya jadi agak keras..
- Membuat gravy : panaskan teflon, beri butter biarkan meleleh. Masukkan terigu 1 sdm aduk cepat. Tambahkan cream cheese dan air/kaldu. Aduk2 sampai tercampur rata. Beri sedikit garam. Setelah mendidih, angkat..
There is enough gravy here for any potatoes you are serving as well.yummm! If needed, I thicken the gravy with a flour/water slurry at the end. In this easy roast chicken recipe, vegetables cook underneath and soak up the juices from the roasting bird. The delicious vegetables are then Tilt the chicken so the juice from the cavity runs into the pan. Reserve the juice and vegetables for making the gravy.
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