Omurice is a classic Japanese Yoshoku recipe, savory chicken ketchup fried rice wrapped in a thin layer of egg.
After his omurice video had gone viral, Japanese chef, Yukimura Motokichi, continues to wow customers with his theatrics in his restaurant, Kichi Kichi.
Ada yang familiar sama omurice nggak?
Bahan Membuat Omurice keju
- Sepiring nasi.
- 2 siung bawang putih, cincang.
- 1/4 kornet sapi (pake yg kalengan).
- 3 sdm saus sambal.
- 2 sdm saus tomat.
- 1 batang daun bawang.
- Secukupnya garam dan kaldu bubuk.
- Secukupnya keju.
- 1 butir telur.
- Pelengkap :.
- 1/2 buah tomat.
- Secukupnya parsley.
Langkah Memasak Omurice keju
- Cincang halus bawang putih, tumis hingga harum, kemudian masukkan kornet.
- Masukkan nasi, saus sambal, saus tomat, daun bawang, garam, kaldu bubuk, aduk rata dan tes rasa.
- Masukkan keju, aduk rata dan sisihkan.
- Kocok lepas telur, kemudian bikin telur dadar.
- Tuang nasi diatas telur dadar kemudian lipat.
- Sajikan bersama tomat dan saus sambal dan taburi parsley.
Today, there are omelet specialty restaurants in Japan, and they have. Omurice (오므라이스) is fried rice wrapped in egg omelette. It's a fusion dish that combines Asian fried rice with Western omelette and ketchup. The dish started in Japan and spread to other Asian. "For another great omurice pop-culture moment, check out the omurice scene from the Japanese The century-old Rengatei is known as the originator of the Japanese omelet known as omurice, a. Japon mutfağında omurice (?????) olarak bilinen, altında kızarmış pilav, üzerinde ise kremamsı, yumuşacık bir omlet bulunan Japon usulü pilavlı omlet karşınızda!
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