KETO FOOD HACKS on Instagram: "Keto Snack list.
What are your favorite keto snacks? . .
Need Help With Your Keto? - -> Click the link in the BIO.…" Ketofy Everything! book.
Bahan Membuat 14.Sekuteng ketofy #kamismanis #bikinramadanberkesan
- 2 ruas Jahe dibakar kemudia direbus.
- 1 sdm kacang tanah disanggarai.
- 1 bks kecil Santan Kara.
- Tsubu Siratake direbus +pewarna merah & daun pandan.
- Kolang kaling sayat2 kecil direbut + daun pandan.
- Diabetasol/sukralose.
- Roti keto potong dadu kecil.
Langkah Memasak 14.Sekuteng ketofy #kamismanis #bikinramadanberkesan
- Siapkan bahan.
- Bakar jahe kemudian direbus dgn 2 gelas air, hingga jadi 3/4gelas.
- Tsubu direbus beri pewarna makanan merah hingga berbentuk jelli mutiara. Saat merebus masukkan sedikit daun pandan..
- Siapkan kolang kaling yg dipotong kecil2 dan direbus sebentar + daun pandan sedikit..
- Siapkan semua bahan, masukkan kedalam gelas air rebusan jahe yg msh hanggat + santan 1/2 bks +jelli mutiara + pemanis +kacang sangrai + roti..
- Minum saat msh hangat..
- Rasanya mirip dengan Sekuteng abang2 keliling walau tanpa gula merah..
- Monggo dicoba,,,.
Execute a healthy Keto diet without changing your existing behavior with Ketofy. (B&W): Ketofied Foods = Food Adventures = Permanent Keto Lifestyle [Swenson, Scott, Prasetyo Since then, more and more have requested a cookbook of our recipes, so we created one - Ketofy. Ketologie has perfected Keto shakes with their scrumptious flavors and variety of formulas, and now they have also perfected a Keto bar! They're the perfect solution to Ketofy your favorite recipes! Most keto foods are tasty, filling, and nutritious. What a great list of keto-friendly foods.
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