Slow Cooker Ribs Stew Alternatively, if not using a slow cooker: If you're not down with the electric cooker, that is very much OK. Sear the meat in a Dutch oven, drain the fat, and layer in the vegetables, rice cakes, sauce. Meanwhile, cook wild rice according to package directions.

Bahan Membuat Slow Cooker Ribs Stew

  1. 1 kg iga sapi yang dagingnya tebel.
  3. 4 siung bawang merah.
  4. 3 siung bawang putih.
  5. 3 buah cabe besar.
  6. 2 cm kunyit.
  7. 2 cm jahe.
  8. 2 cm lengkuas.
  9. 3 butir kemiri.
  10. 1 sdt merica.
  11. 1 sdt ketumbar.
  12. 1 sdt garam.
  13. 1 masako sapi.
  14. 1 sdm gula.
  16. 5 cm serai di geprek.
  17. 3 lembar daun salam.
  18. 2 sdm minyak untuk menumis.
  19. 700 ml air.

Langkah Memasak Slow Cooker Ribs Stew

  1. Bersihkan iga, gak perlu dipotong-Potong yang penting cukup masuk ke slow cooker.. tiriskan. Sambil siapkan slow cookernya setting selama 6 jam.
  2. Tumis bumbu halus sampai harum, lalu masukan iga, biarkan selama 5 menit.. lalu masukan semua ke slow cooker.
  3. Masak selama 6 jam.

These easy slow-cooker ribs get their flavor from spices and barbecue sauce (which you can make from scratch, or buy). These big ol' slow-cooker pork ribs stew in a great broth that you should definitely save for later. It's the perfect slow cooker Sunday meal that will have leftovers for lunches and dinners throughout the week! Two weeks ago I was in Indiana with an amazing group of bloggers visiting with Tuttorosso tomatoes, a brand I've worked with for a while now that I truly truly love. The most crazy-tender, fall-off-the-bone baby back ribs you've ever tasted, made in your slow cooker!

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