Chicken Cordon Bleu You'd swear it's fried - but it's baked. Chicken Cordon Bleu is a dish made with chicken breast wrapped around ham and cheese. It is then breaded and cooked by either frying or baking.

Bahan Membuat Chicken Cordon Bleu

  1. 6 fillet ayam (saya pakai paha dgn kulit).
  2. 2 sdm rub salt - kira2 (liat resep rub salt).
  3. 3 lembar smoked beef, bagi 2.
  4. 6 potongan mozzarela.
  5. 3 buah sosis kecil, bagi 2.
  6. 5 sdm terigu (secukupnya).
  7. 1 buah telur, kocok lepas.
  8. secukupnya Tepung panir.

Langkah Memasak Chicken Cordon Bleu

  1. Siapkan bahan2. Pukul2 daging ayam agar pipih. Jangan sampai robek kulitnya. Bumbui dengan rub salt di kedua sisinya..
  2. Susun potongan smoked beef, mozzarela, sosis diatas ayam. Gulung ayam. Saya pakai alumunium foil untuk gantinya tusuk gigi. Susun dalam wadah, lalu simpan di freezer kurleb 3 jam agar gulungannya set/terbentuk..
  3. Keluarkan ayam, gulingkan diatas terigu - kocokan telur - tepung panir..
  4. Goreng dalam minyak panas dengan api kecil, supaya matang hingga kedalam..

Chicken Cordon Bleu was one of the first meals I attempted as a newly married woman. I had never heard of pounding chicken to make it thinner and spent a lot of time in the kitchen violently trying to. Chicken Cordon Bleu is a dish composed of chicken breasts, ham, and Swiss cheese. The ham and Swiss cheese are arranged on top of the chicken breast and rolled together then dredged in bread. Tender chicken breasts are stuffed with smoky ham and swiss cheese.

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