Puding chia seed + buah potong All you need to make chia pudding are chia seeds and a liquid (usually non-dairy milk). From there you can honestly do whatever you want. When most people think about chia seeds, they think of those little tiny black seeds.

Bahan Membuat Puding chia seed + buah potong

  1. 3 sendok makan Chia seed.
  2. 1 buah mangga, potong kotak.
  3. Secukupnya buah anggur.
  4. 100 ml almond milk, boleh pakai UHT jg,pakai soya juga bisa.

Langkah Memasak Puding chia seed + buah potong

  1. Tuang susu almond ke dalam jar,masukkan chia seed,aduk dan diamkan sampai chia seed nya mengental dalam jar..
  2. Masukkan buah yg telah dipotong tadi,susun menurut selera..
  3. Masukkan ke kulkas,lebih nikmat dikonsumsi dalam keadaan dingin..
  4. Buah yg dipakai ga harus mangga atau anggur saja ya,bisa menggunakan buah lain..

Chia seeds and coconut milk marry for a Paleo-friendly pudding that works great for breakfast. Mix together the ingredients the night before. Luscious Chia Seed Pudding takes a minute to make, is super healthy and so versatile it can be served for breakfast, as a snack, even dessert. After soaking, chia seeds make a pudding with a dynamic creamy texture. Now, add some toppings to create even more delicious flavor and add heft for a satisfying breakfast or snack.

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