Place the chia seeds in a large bowl, pour the strawberry mixture on top, and whisk thoroughly.
The longer it sits, the thicker the pudding will become; if you find that it is.
And no chia seed pudding is as good as this strawberry rhubarb pudding version.
Bahan Membuat Puding chiaseed strawberry
- 1 botol youghurt rasa strawberry, Saya : cimory.
- 2 sdm chiaseed.
- Taburan :.
- 4 keping baked almond slice.
- 2 buah strawberry, iris jangan sampai putus.
Langkah Memasak Puding chiaseed strawberry
- Siapkan bahannya..
- Rendam chiaseed dengan youghurt dalam gelas, tutup simpan semalam dalam kulkas..
- Keluarkan chiaseed dari kulkas, tuang kedalam mangkok. Beri irisan almond dan strawberry, sajikan segera. Hmmm bisa jadi sarapan sehat yang mengenyangkan. 😍🍓.
Chia seed pudding is a simple and delicious way to easily get the benefits of chia seeds. It takes minutes to make and has enough protein and nutrients Strawberry: Add ½ cup fresh strawberries to the blended recipe. There are tons of chia seed pudding recipes out there, meaning you'll never grow tired of it (at least, we haven't). Strawberries & Chia Seeds Pudding is the perfect healthy breakfast/snack idea for spring and summer season, it's VEGAN and also GLUTEN FREE! Strawberry Chia Seed Pudding is the perfect healthy snack, breakfast or dessert that will not only leave you satisfied, but also provide many healthy nutrients from the coconut and chia seeds.
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