Chia seeds may be tiny, but they are extremely nutritious.
Case in point: chia seed puddings. "Chia seed pudding can be quite decadent, making you feel like you're eating an extravagant dessert when it's Chia seeds are also known for their high concentration of calcium—one serving of them (just one ounce) has more than double the calcium of a glass of milk.
This keto chia seeds recipe is a wonderful mixture of colors and flavors, with the added benefit of the smooth yogurt base to set it all off.
Bahan Membuat Pound cake with chia seeds
- 150 gr butter salted.
- 100 gr gula pasir.
- 3 butir telur utuh.
- 1 kuning telur (skip).
- 150 gr tepung kunci.
- 1 sdt baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt vanili cair.
- 250 gr kismis (skip).
- 1 sdm chia seeds.
Langkah Memasak Pound cake with chia seeds
- Siapkan bahan. Mixer butter sampai lembut, masukkan gula pasir perlahan sambil terus dikocok sampai mengembang & pucat, masukkan vanili cair dan kocok lagi. Masukan telur. Mixer lagi..
- Kecilkan kecepatan mixer dan masukkan campuran terigu & baking powder. Aduk balik dengan spatula..
- Tuang ke dalam loyang loaf 25x10 yg sudah dioles butter dan di taburi terigu. Taburkan chia seeds..
- Panggang dengan suhu 150 derajat kurang lebih 40 menit atau sampai matang di oven yg sudah dipanaskan sebelumnya, sesuaikan oven masing2 ya. 20 menit awal pakai api bawah, 20 berikutnya pakai api atas. Sebelum diangkat jangan lupa tes tusuk..
- Enak. Yummy.. selamat mencoba happy baking..
- Sampai hari ke 3 masih enak...
That's probably because its uses are limitless. Matt had a post about chia seeds where he talked about their history as warrior-fuel for tribes of amazing runners, and then he got some My interest was sparked by the chia seed's gelling ability- I am excited to see their potential in vegan baking. And as an added bonus, the seeds are full of. Let's chat about chia seeds for a sec. The ancient Mexican seed has climbed up the popularity ladder in recent years as we've come to realize its These chia seed recipes just might be.
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